Thursday, October 23, 2008


Need to remember that when wanting to allow end users to pick multiple parameters to include an IN statment!!!

gotta use IN (@PARAM) to handle multiple

WHERE a.value IN (@PARAM)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Convert date time in a QUERY! (not changing a table)


Example in use
Convert (char(10),bc.sxbc_next_billto_dttm,101) AS sxbc_next_billto_dttm,

Monday, April 28, 2008

Case Statement for Pivots

Case statements I created to show some Row information in Columns.

CASE cpl.ProductLineCode WHEN 'LP' THEN cpl.Multiplier ELSE 0 END as LPMultiplier,
CASE cpl.ProductLineCode WHEN 'DP' THEN cpl.Multiplier ELSE 0 END as DPMultiplier,
CASE cpl.ProductLineCode WHEN 'CQ' THEN cpl.Multiplier ELSE 0 END as CQMultiplier,
Totaling amounts

SUM (CASE cpl.ProductLineCode WHEN 'LP' then uf.Amount ELSE 0 END) as LPUplift,
SUM (CASE cpl.ProductLineCode WHEN 'DP' then uf.Amount ELSE 0 END) as DPUplift,
SUM (CASE cpl.ProductLineCode WHEN 'CQ' then uf.Amount ELSE 0 END) as CQUplift

Case Statement adding description

Case statements I created to add an actual description in place of a integer value Devs used.

CASE b.Status
When 1 then 'Pending'
When 2 then 'Submitted'
When 3 then 'Rejected'
When 4 then 'Posted'
When 5 then 'Processed'
When 6 then 'Confirmed'
Else '0'
End as 'Status',

CASE c.AnniversaryMonth
WHEN 1 THEN 'January'
WHEN 2 THEN 'February'
WHEN 3 THEN 'March'
WHEN 4 THEN 'April'
WHEN 6 THEN 'June'
WHEN 7 THEN 'July'
WHEN 8 THEN 'August'
WHEN 9 THEN 'September'
WHEN 10 THEN 'October'
WHEN 11 THEN 'November'
WHEN 12 THEN 'December'
ELSE '0'
END AS 'AnniversaryMonth',

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Count() Function

Ive seen it used but never used it myself. I did have the need to use it today!
SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_cust
FROM Customers
Results num_cust ----------- 5

In the example above, Count(*) is used to count all roes, regardless of values. The count is returned in num_cus

My select statement:
SELECT count(cus_cd)
FROM dbo.customer
WHERE (cus_status = 'A')

I returned the number of active customers

First Post

First off let me welcome you to this blog. I created this to post techno-babble and interesting thinks and factoids found and sent to me by friends. Im now including a possible wide assortment of SQL codes I find to help my noob brain. Comments, advise, teachings are most welcome. Rudeness will not be tolerated and such comments will be deleted.